The last part of our series is targeted to topic about further (cross-border) family life. We weretalking about what the change of the residence and even the leaving of the family member toanother state means for the family. We were talking about losses the child feels, about high-emotional relationships and about the uncertainty of the parents, about legal consequences. How toget out of this situation and how to live real family life further?
Firstly, the parents have to inform the child about what is going on and enable the child to get readyfor steps that will be taken further. If the child is moving abroad, he or she needs to have a chance tosay goodbye to the family, friends, to known places. Simultaneously, the child needs to getinformation about where the further residence will be, how it looks like, the parents should enablethe child to visit the new place before moving. All should be planned, so the child can get ready forthis big step. Moreover, the child should be supported by the parents, must be told that this is thedecision of the parents, that both of them agree and that both are staying the most importantpeople in the child´s life.
After the relocation the parents have to enable the child the easiest adaptation. Ideally, the world ofthe child should be only extended. So, if the child is moving, both parents should support the child inmaintaining the relationships and should be ensured that the background is not lost, that he or shecan visit the family, friends and known well-known places anytime. Also, the parents should supportthe child in discovering the new place of residence, new country, tradition, language, culture. It isvery important the child is supported by the parent left behind. Otherwise, the child can face theconflict of loyalty.
The further child arrangements of cross-border family work only if all family members are able tocommunicate to each other and live together as much as possible. This means that the parentsshould stay in touch together, they should share regularly information about the child, plan the timewith the child and negotiate and make agreement about all important matters, including schoolmatters, medical issues, changes of residences. Also, less important issues, as free-time activitiesshould be shared. The parents can use family applications or shared calendar.
There are many families who are able to manage the relocation abroad. The child gets then newperspective and great benefit for the life. If you go through this situation, we wish you to handle itwith flying colours.
We hope that you enjoy our series about international families. We will bring you soon few videos tothis topic and we are preparing new series, now about children´s rights. We wish you a calm week,Martina and Iveta