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Home > Blog > SÉRIE: 20 PROSEB DĚTÍ #11





„Do not tell me things I cannot understand now. Talk about it with other adults, but not with me.”

The children are trying to quit the conflict of the parents, which is natural. They cannot cope with the situation when the parents talk about issues that are not good for their ears. They can feel guilty about it, which is natural perception of children at relationship breakdown. The children very often feel that the situation is their fault, regardless to what is true. Therefore, it is so important not to burden the children by attitude of adults.

Let’s the children maintain their childhood and let´s deal with the breakdown as adults. If we cannot manage it ourselves, let’s find a helpful professional, but do not involve our child to conflicts with the second parent.

This is the core of the Cochem practice, which was created especially with respect to children. This model considers carefully best interest of the specific child at first place and the children are not burdened by the situation. Each profession is skilled at providing the children with needed information, by a way that does not overload the children but on contrary finds out the best interest of the children.

So, lets solve these questions with adult partners and leave the children at their childhood, light mood and love of both parents.