“Help me with contact with the non-residential parent. Please dial me his or her phone numberand write me his or her address on an envelope. Please help me for him or her to buy or make anice Christmas or birthday present. Please print my photos twice – once also for the secondparent.”
To have contact with both parents is a crucial element that helps the child to overcome stress fromparental relationship breakdown and loss of assurance such relationship brings. It is natural that itmight be difficult for the parents to come out with each other after the breakdown. However, thechild still loves both parents and needs their presence in his or her life.
If the parents struggle with communication, with cooperation at raising their child up, and withmaintaining contact of the child with both parents, they are welcomed to attend pair therapy andsolve their pain from relationship breakdown, and then move further and focus on their children. Thebitterness, hatred, and grave emotions can be left behind in the therapy. Maybe not on the firstattempt, but it is great to keep trying because of the children.
If the cooperation is not possible in respect of contact, one of the parent can ask the Court to orderdirect and indirect contact at exact days and times.
Mediation can help when considering the bestsolution as well.