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Home > Blog > SÉRIE: 20 PROSEB DĚTÍ #7





“Don’t be disappointed or angry when I do not answer your messages when I am with the secondparent. I have two homes now. And I should separate them carefully, as otherwise I will not besure about anything else in my further life.”

Sometimes, it can help in the hard situation, when I get to shoes of my second dispute partner,including persons I feel like enemies, and I try to see the world through their eyes.

How would you feel if you have at least one weekend with the child without controlling phone calls,e-mails and SMS with questions like how are you, what you are doing, whether everything goes fine etc. Yes, that would be great. If the parents are separated and do not live in one household, they need calm time without any disturbance to improve the relationship with the child.

If you are able to communicate well and get along with each other, it is great for the child to have time together, time you spend as a family. You give therefore the child an important message, that despite you cannot live as a family further, you still can get along to each other and spend qualitytime together. This is one of the best presents we can give the child, accompanied by peace and support.